What is the 3-Day Rule in Transition to Additional Food, How is it Applied?

What is the 3-Day Rule in Transition to Additional Food, How is it Applied?

The 3-day rule is the rule that allows you to understand which food is the cause of the situation in case of an allergic reaction to food during the period when your baby starts solid food.

By applying this rule, we can observe your baby for 3 days and understand whether the food you give has any negative effects on your baby. At the same time, thanks to this rule, you can easily distinguish which foods your baby likes and dislikes. Thus, you can adjust the feeding program that is suitable for your baby in the best way.

How is the 3-Day Rule Applied?

You should wait 3 days before introducing your baby to other foods, who will meet a new food. At the first solid food trial, you can choose the middle of your baby's two meals. The amount you give should be palatable. You can proceed in a similar way, such as 3 teaspoons on the first day , 5 teaspoons on the second day , and 7 teaspoons on the third day . During these 3 days, you can progress by observing without giving any new food and include the other food in your diet at the end of the third day. You should also apply the 3-day rule for the food included in the diet.

For 3 days, your baby who has met a new food, the food you give to your baby's body redness or skin blisters, gas pain, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Observe for cause. If you observe one or more of these findings, you should stop the food you give. After 1 month, you should observe the result by giving a small amount of the same food, if you still observe the same findings, you should consult your doctor and remove this food from your menu.

The 3-day rule is also important for your baby to recognize food and learn to distinguish its tastes. With the 3-day rule, you can also divide foods into groups by learning how your baby reacts to which food. So you can decide which foods you should give your baby together or separately.



Here, I would like to give the Chef Mom Baby Biscuit as an example .

What is its content? Whole grain flour mix (rice, wheat, oats), butter, olive oil, egg yolk, yogurt, cinnamon. In other words, it contains gluten, which is the protein of wheat, egg yolk, and butter and yogurt, which is a dairy product. The main allergens in its content; We must have previously experienced that there is no allergy to gluten, egg yolk, milk and products, with the rule of 3 days. You tried gluten, dairy products and eggs with the 3-day rule and you didn't have any allergies. Now you can start the Chef Mom Baby Biscuit. Since the Chef Mom Baby Biscuit is a new food for your baby, I would say that you should definitely follow the 3 days rule when you start the biscuit. So how are we going to try the Chef Mom Baby Biscuit with the 3-day rule? Cook Anne Bebe Biscuit into a fruit puree, yogurt, soup, if you are milking, breast milk if you are milking,


We said above to rule out gluten, dairy and egg allergies before starting the Chef Anne Bebe Biscuit . You will try your dairy product with yogurt, and your egg yolk experiment with the yolk of a boiled egg. Well, “Which recipe should we try with gluten, which is wheat protein, with the rule of 3 days when we start the Chef Anne Bebe Biscuit?” You can make a soup by drinking whole grain flour from the vegetables you try for the first time and see that you are not allergic. You can cook 1 teaspoon of flour with the appropriate amount of water, bring it to the consistency of pudding, and add it to fruit purees that you have tried before.

How Long Should I Apply the 3-Day Rule?

You need to apply the 3 day rule until your baby's eating habits are established. After a while, you will start to give foods together by observing how your baby reacts to which foods. You just have to remember this rule when trying a new food.

It's good to follow the 3 day rule until your baby is 12 months old . In case of an allergic reaction that may occur, it is important to consult your doctor and continue.

*You may be interested: You can click here to get more information about the things to consider when switching to complementary foods in babies .

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