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Baby Tarhanas with Goat Milk
One of the products that must be used in the transition period of babies to supplementary food is baby tarhana. Baby tarhana, which is a very healthy product, is not only nutritious, but also an easy to digest and satisfying food. Baby and children's tarhana, which is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and proteins, also protects your baby against infections. Baby tarhana contains yoghurt due to its content. Since yoghurt is not suitable for babies with cow's milk allergy, it would be appropriate for you to prefer Chef Anne's milk allergic baby tarhana for your allergic baby. Chef Mother's milk allergic tarhana does not cause an allergic reaction in your babies as it is produced from goat's milk. In addition, it is possible to find baby tarhana with einkorn flour and gluten-free tarhana with buckwheat at Cook Mom for babies with gluten intolerance. Chef Mother vegetable baby tarhana varieties that do not contain salt, tomatoes and onions, which have no place in the nutrition of infants under the age of 1; with spinach, beetroot and carrots. The price of Chef Anne baby tarhana prepared with whole grain flour according to the taste of babies is very affordable in all its varieties. All baby supplementary foods and the best baby tarhana varieties are waiting for mothers at Chef Anne.

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